Camp Kitchikewana
Since 2001 the MPDBA has been the instrumental volunteer force to assure a well maintained & safe environment for tens of thousands of Children and Adult programs at Camp Kitchikewana. On the second weekend of September annually the Association paints, re-roofs cabins, builds docks & walk ways, decks, benches and ramps (just to mention a few).
For 16 years – Prior to the weekend the Team Leaders: Jason VanDerKooy, Arlene Plaxton & David Giffin do a walk about with the Camp Director to assess the materials & current needs of the Camp.
For 16 years – Prior to the weekend the Team Leaders: Jason VanDerKooy, Arlene Plaxton & David Giffin do a walk about with the Camp Director to assess the materials & current needs of the Camp.
The 2017 jobs
- Chapel Stage rebuild
- Ritz and Log Roof re-shingled
- Build additional Indoor & Outdoor Benches
- Deach ramp boards need to be replaced
- Cabin painting – as needed
Jason VanDerKooy says “Once you come – you’ll do it for life. Tracy and I wouldn’t miss it for the World!” There is no cost to you – boat transport, great food, accommodations & showers. Children & Pets are welcome. Saturday night is a memorable evening! A great big THANK YOU goes out to the Midland Bay Sailing Club – annually they host the most amazing Pig Roast with an exceptional array of Pot Luck for the Association!
Arlene Plaxton is the “Go to Gal” – Organizer extraordinaire! Water transportation, accommodations and lists of what to bring along – she has the know all! Apparently she puts Shania Twain to shame at the Saturday night camp fire sing along!
Synopsis of 2017
The weather could not have been better for MPDBA – Camp Kitchikewana 2017 – Cold evenings, cold early mornings and glorious sunshine all day long! Arlene made a new best friend this year – a Black Yogi Bear! This Black Bear played Hide & Seek, sprinted to the garbage/recycle area and peeked around building corners! He didn’t want his picture taken but persistent Arlene followed and backtracked quickly when the peeking began! Stay tuned for pictures at the September dinner meeting!
All of the jobs that were required were completed as well as MANY more! The Camp was in need of 16 multi-purpose 8 & 4 foot benches. Our talented team completed 46! The Ritz roof was a disaster, what began as a shingling project became a major over haul. Not only was there 2 layers of rotten shingles, Carpenter ants ate a huge hole in the structure. A shop vac was used to remove them and supplies were found at the camp to fix the roof before the shingling began. The Chapel looks amazing!
Saturday evening was once again an outstanding pig roast buffet presented by the Midland Bay Sailing Club! The Kitchen staff ladies took a shine to Ryan – he raved so much about their cookies, they presented him with a bucket of them!!!!
Another Great Year for Camp Kitchi due to the amazing group of MPDBA team who volunteered their weekend & expertise to assure a safe environment!
The 2016 jobs
- Shingled 2 roofs
- Built a privacy fence behind the dining hall
- Built 50 benches for dining hall and fire pit